I bet you thought you were done reading about septic-related topics, didn’t you?! According to my watch, I still get today and tomorrow, so hold on to your horses! ...
Learn MoreDay three of our National Smart Septic week…I’m milking this for all it’s worth, can you tell? I gotta take what’s been given to me! Do you remember the Late Show with David...
Learn MoreI figured if I hold tight to the claim NATIONAL SMART SEPTIC WEEK, then that means I can post about septic related topics Monday through Friday, right? So next on my list is the subject of TOILET PAPER....
Learn MoreSo, I realize it has been a while, but I was so excited to learn some super “fun facts” about my industry! Did you know, there is a National Septic Week?! I promise, I’m not lying. It is...
Learn MoreEver hear the saying, “cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos”? I feel like something similar could be said about running a home-based business during summer break....
Learn MoreLast week we were hit again with some rain. Shocker, right? Once again, despite the fact that we had our schedule up and ready to go, we were forced to tweak it to compensate for the rain. But, this...
Learn MoreI can’t seem to think of much to write about this week. Lately, anything that pops into my brain is items related either to rain or water or water usage. For instance…. I wonder if it is going to...
Learn MoreYou know the old Carpenter’s Song, “Rainy Days and Mondays?” The lyrics go, “rainy days and Mondays always get me down…” Well, here in Lincoln, rainy days that happen ANY day of the week are starting to get...
Learn MoreSo, there’s this stuff called rain…and we have been receiving quite a bit of it. Maybe you tire from me talking about it, but considering the fact that our business is pretty weather dependent…and by...
Learn MoreSEPTIC SYSTEM 101: A REVIEW LESSON (Things to consider when extreme rain hits) Our area has been hit by a massive amount of rain. Therefore, many septic systems which are NOT IN FAILURE may seem like...
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